
Want to send your screen image to a friend for help files in a directory or just show her a picture
Example below.

The procedure is very simple. It is based on the copy and paste.




1 Press the button to the right of F12 Print Screen or Print Scrn or Syst (The image is copied to the clipboard)
2 ° Open your word processing software or software windows "Paint"
3 Press the CTRL key simultaneously with the V key or right click mouse and "Paste"


Procedure Paint


Your image is pasted into paint
1 - Click File and Save As .. You get the window 2
3 - Select JPEG (Quality sufficient)
4 - Give a name to your image if you wish
5 - By default, your image will be saved in "My Pictures"from "My Documents", you can change the destination if you wish.
6 - Save.

You just send your document has more.


Captutre a picture with only one window



You do not want to capture the image of the photo in the snow (black arrow)
Simaultanément press Alt and Print Screen Syst.